12 Sustainability Tips for Small Businesses

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Now more than ever, green business is good business. 

Here are some eco-friendly action items that can also have a positive impact on your team’s well-being, your goodwill, and your bottom line: 

  1. Go paperless. More and more customers appreciate fully digital transactions, and you’ll save on the cost of stationery, toner, and postage, as well as space needed for filing cabinets. 
  2. When you do need to print, purchase office paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council with the highest percentage of postconsumer recycled content and wood fiber. 
  3. You know you should recycle – but make sure your business is e-recycling too. Make sure that old computers, monitors, batteries, and other electronic waste is disposed of responsibly. 
  4. Swap out incandescent lightbulbs for longer-lasting LEDs. Traditional bulbs expend 95% of energy on heat, with only 5% used for light. LEDs could save you hundreds on your electric bills. 
  5. Adopt a local green-friendly cause and do an annual day of service. This is not only a great way to advance a worthy cause – it’s also a great team building and marketing opportunity. 
  6. If your business sells and ships products, take a close look at your packing materials. Your budget and your customers will appreciate efforts to reduce excess landfill-bound packaging. 
  7. Make your business literally greener. Adding plants to your space can absorb pollutants and create a more vibrant and pleasing work environment for your team and your customers. 
  8. Practice smart water management. Install low-flow fixtures at your facility and be sure to monitor your water use for sanitary, landscaping, and manufacturing processes. 
  9. Move to opt-in mailing lists. By renting mailing lists, you’re generating a lot of marketing material that ends up in landfills rather than being welcomed by a relevant audience. 
  10. Buy sustainable banners. Sometimes you need a big, eye-catching sign. Next time you do, see if you can order one that’s made with recyclable soda bottles and printed with water-based ink. 
  11. Upgrade to a smart thermostat in your office. These days, many options for programmable thermostats allow you to fine-tune energy use from an authorized mobile device. 
  12. Seal your electrical outlets. An eighth-inch gap around six outlets is the heat-sucking equivalent of a four-inch hole in your office’s ceiling. A few sprays of non-expanding latex foam will do the trick. 

Choosing some of these tips to implement can not only help the environment but also help you to lower operating costs, attract and retain top talent, and appeal to cause-driven customers. 

If you’d like assistance financing improvement for your business, speak one of our experienced local commercial lenders.